Privacy Policy

International Hospitals Group
Privacy Policy

Any personal information which is collected, gathered or processed by International Hospitals Group via the website will only be used by International Hospitals Group for purposes consistent with the aims of International Hospitals Group.

International Hospitals Group is committed to preserving the privacy of all visitors to the website. Whether you are a first time visitor to the website or a regular user, International Hospitals Group takes your privacy seriously.

Any personal data or sensitive personal data provided by you to International Hospitals Group will be held and processed in accordance with the data protection principles set out in the Data Protection Act 1998.

If you have any queries concerning your personal information or any questions on International Hospitals Group’s use of the information, please contact International Hospitals Group’s Website Administrator 01753 895777.

Information that International Hospitals Group collects from You
International Hospitals Group collects personally identifiable information when you contact us via the website. International Hospitals Group uses this information in order to provide you with access to all parts of the website, to communicate with you with respect to logon and password changes specific to the website and for other communications.

What information does International Hospitals Group collect?
International Hospitals Group will collect information from you in the following circumstances:-

The International Hospitals Group contact process involves you providing International Hospitals Group with certain information about yourself including your name and e-mail address.

The International Hospitals Group Website uses cookies. A “cookie” is a piece of software which is attached to the hard drive of your computer and remembers information about the configuration of your computer. International Hospitals Group uses this information to enhance the website’s performance in a number of ways including providing a secure way for the International Hospitals Group to verify your identity during your visit to the website and to personalise your experience on the website.

International Hospitals Group also uses this information to track your movements through the website. Personal information about you is not collected during the tracking process.

You can disable cookies by turning them off on your web browser. Most browsers are defaulted to accept and maintain cookies and you can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it or not. For further information on how to disable cookies, please refer to However, you should bear in mind that if you exercise this option, the performance of the website may not be optimal.

Use of Web Beacons
The International Hospitals Group website does not use Web Beacons.

Website Usage Data
With or without cookies, the website keeps track of usage data, such as the source address from which the page request is coming (i.e. your IP address, domain name), the date and time of the page request, the referring website (if any) and other parameters in the URL (e.g. search criteria). International Group uses this data to understand better website usage so that the International Hospitals Group knows what areas of the website users prefer. This information is stored in log files and is used for aggregated and statistical reporting but is not attributed to you as an individual.

International Hospitals Group recognises industry standards and employs security safeguards to protect information from unauthorised access and misuse.

User Submissions
There will be no ‘user submissions’, other that by authorised ‘Webmasters’ who are subject to strict conditions regarding content. However, it may be possible to send emails to International Hospitals Group via the website. Users of the website are prohibited from transmitting to this site any unlawful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or other material that would violate any law.

What information does International Hospitals Group share?
International Hospitals Group does not share any information other than in compliance with the law. International Hospitals Group will release personal information when International Hospitals Group is required so to do by law or by any regulations and other rules (including auditing requirements) to which International Hospitals Group is subject.

Changes to Privacy Policy
International Hospitals Group may edit this policy from time to time. If International Hospitals Group makes any substantial changes then International Hospitals Group will notify you by posting a prominent announcement on the website.

Your Rights
You have the right to ask for a copy of the information held by International Hospitals Group in the website’s records. You have the right also to require International Hospitals Group to correct any inaccuracies in your information. Contact the International Hospitals Group’s Website Administrator 01753 895777 for further details.