Hospital Design Solutions

Transforming Healthcare Spaces: IHG's Innovative Hospital Design Solutions

Functionality of the healthcare environment is obviously critical. Patients’ safety and the need to prevent hospital acquired infections remain the over-riding factors in hospital care. There is also however an increasingly recognised effect that the built space goes beyond utility. It is now acknowledged that the quality of the space affects the sick person’s path to recovery and their response to medication and advice.
The International Hospitals Group is a market leader in terms of innovation and best practice in the healthcare sector. Through its long-standing and close contact with the NHS, Hospitals and procurement bodies our teams maintain full awareness of emerging models of care, new technologies and design research applicable in the UK and abroad.
We seek to design and build environments which reinforce the concept of patient centred care by creating welcoming and non-institutional spaces and facilities, which maximise choice for patients with regard to privacy, dignity, comfort and support, in a manner which respects their needs, values, culture and background. We believe that good design can accelerate the healing process (a concept that is at the heart of our latest IHG State of the Art Medical Cities) and contribute towards increased patient empowerment, improved care pathways, shorter waiting times and the integration of community outreach initiatives. The integration of evidence based design principles in our work significantly improves the quality and safety of patient care in terms of improving control of infection, comfort, amenity and working conditions, leading to increased patient satisfaction and staff morale
In our hospital design, just some of the issues that IHG’s design teams consider include :-
  • Access to Nature and Light – healing and stress-reducing properties associated with these
  • Buildings that facilitate Communication –  through clear design
  • Staff Effectiveness  – optimised interaction between patients and carers
  • Healthcare buildings linked to public landscape – positive associations to normal life
Many of IHG’s healthcare buildings incorporate innovative design features which have been evolved in response to specific requirements of the clinical brief and the construction process.
Our Integrated design team’s capabilities and skills include :-
  • Healthcare Planning
  • Master-planning
  • Accessibility Design
  • 3-D Building Information Management (BIM) Modelling
  • Healthcare Architecture
  • Interior design
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Civil & Structural Engineering design
  • Building Services – Mechanical & Electrical Engineering design
  • Public Health Engineering
  • Quantity Surveying, Life-cycle costing & Cost Control
  • Value Management
  • Healthcare Financing & Transaction advice
  • Acoustic and Vibration Design
  • Building Performance and Energy Reduction Systems
  • Building Physics and Infection Control
  • Carbon Footprinting & Energy
  • End of Life Care
  • Facade Engineering
  • Fire Engineering
  • ICT Systems design
  • Tele-medicine
  • Indigenous Health Facilities
  • Healthcare Training
  • Lighting Design
  • Logistic Engineering and Design
  • Security Consulting
  • Risk Management
  • Seismic Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Transaction Advice
  • Transport and Traffic Planning
  • Vertical Lift Transportation
  • Vibration and Structural Dynamics
  • Modular Design and Construction
  • Medical Equipping and Commissioning